Pixel densities

4.3"....................960 x 540.........256.15 ppi.....0.0992 mm <- phone
(LG Quad full HD)
26.5"................3840 x 2160.......166.26 ppi ....0.1528 mm <-- 166ppi quoted resolves to 26.5"
27"...................3840 x 2160.......163.18 ppi.....0.1557 mm <-- may not be viewable size if ppi quote is accurate

10.1"................1280 x 800.........146.55 ppi....0.1783 mm <- tablet
17"...................1920 x 1080.......129.58 ppi....0.1960 mm <-- laptop

22.5" (24")........2304 x 1440.......118.13 ppi....0.2150 mm <--- FW900 widescreen CRT max rez 22.5" viewable (80hz) ..
27"...................2560 x 1440.......108.8   ppi....0.2335 mm
30"...................2560 x 1600.......100.6   ppi....0.2524 mm

22"...................1920 x 1080........100.132 ppi..0.2530 mm
20.1"................1680 x 1050..........98.4   ppi ..0.258 mm

23"...................1920 x 1080.........95.78 ppi
....0.2652 mm <-- 60hz/120hz
24"...................1920 x 1200.........94.3   ppi....0.2692 mm

24"...................1920 x 1080..........91.8   ppi....0.2767 mm
19"...................1440 x  900...........89.37 ppi....0.2842 mm
27.5"(28")........1920 x 1200..........82.33 ppi....0.3085 mm
27"...................1920 x 1080.........81.59 ppi....0.3113 mm <-- 60hz / 120hz panels

---Too Large for a Desk, greater viewing distances suggested ----
36.4"................4096 x 2160.......127.22 ppi...0.1997 mm <---  Eizo FDH3601 4K2K 16:9 , sept 2011 release est. $36,000 usd /
42"...................3840 x 2160.......104.9  ppi....0.2421 mm <----LG Quad Full HD IPS, 42" tv version
85 "...................7680 x 4320......103.67 ppi...0.245 mm    <--- Sharp 85" 8Kx4K VA
30"...................1920 x 1080.........73.43 ppi...0.345 mm
32"...................1920 x 1080.........68.84 ppi...0.368 mm
37"...................1920 x 1080.........59.54 ppi..0.4266 mm
40"...................1920 x 1080.........55.07 ppi...0.4612 mm
42"...................1920 x 1080.........52.45 ppi...0.4843 mm


"Quad full HD"
Quad full HD IPS panels in the next year (or two).. 3840x2160 27" 16:9 option eventually that could swallow current resolutions whole 16:10 or not...
.. 1920 vs 2560x
.. 1920 vs 2560 ~> +320 left, +320 right (+640 wider)
...1200 vs 1440 ~> +120 top, +120 bottom (+240 taller)
...1200 vs 1600 ~> +200 top, +200 bottom (+400 taller)
...1080 vs 1440 ~> +180 top, +180 bottom (+360 taller)
...1080 vs 1600 ~> +260 top, +260 bottom (+520 taller)

.. "block of four 1080p resolutions ~ Quad Full HD 3840x2160"

.. 1920 vs 3840 ~> +960 left, +960 right (+1920 wider)
.. 1200 vs 2160 ~> +480 top, + 480 bottom(+960 taller)
...1080 vs 2160 ~> +540 top, +540 bottom (+1080 taller)

.. 2560 vs 3840 ~> +640 px left , +640px right.. (+1280 wider)
...1600 vs 2160 ~> +280 px top, +280px bottom (+560 taller)
...1440 vs 2160 ~> +360 px top , +360px bottom (+720 taller)






I edited the orignal "growing from the corner" pictures to make a better visual comparison, since the real size difference would grow from the center...

Note that while the 30" has +80px top and +80 px bottom vs the 27" -- the 30" does not have any more pixels across the width than the 27" , its pixels are just that much larger.

The 80px top and bottom size 'gap' would be much smaller size-wise at the same pixel sizes --> 75 inches top and .75 inches bottom (3/4inch top and bottom) 1.49" total to be exact if both were 108.8ppi.

Another way to look at it on more equal terms is that if you moved the 30" panel back enough until its width (and ppi) looked equal to the 27" to your viewing perspective, there would be .75" peeking out top and bottom (about the diamter of a dime coin) in relation to the 27" screen, 80px tall each.


.. More fun dpi facts...
A 27" 2560x1440 panel sized up to 30" 2560x1600 sized ppi would be 29.19" diagonal.
A 30" 2560x1600 panel sized down to 27" 2560x1440 sized ppi would be 27.75" diagonal.
27" 1440p = 108.8 ppi 0.2335 mm
30" 1600p = 100.6 ppi 0.2524 mm
..27" would have to grow 1.91" wider, and 1.07 inch taller at 2560x1440 if it had the larger 100.6 pixel density
..30" would have to shrink 1.91" narrower, 1.19 inch shorter at 2560x1600 to fit the smaller 108.8 pixel density
.. A 2560 x1600 30" made into the corresponding 16:9 width to make 2844x1600 at the same 100.6ppi would be 32.43"
.. A 2560 x1600 30" made into the corresponding 16:9 width to make 2844x1600 at 108.8ppi would be 29.99" diagonal.
...A 2560 x 1440 27" made into the corresponding 16:10 width to make 2304x1440 at the same 108.8dpi would be 24.78"
...A 2560 x 1440 27" made into the corresponding 16:10 width to make 2304x1440 at the larger 100.6 dpi would be 26.8"


120Hz vs 60Hz vs FPS

120hz monitor hardware sends screen updates to the lcd panels every 8.3ms (120 times out of 1000ms per second.)

60hz monitor hardware sends screen updates to the lcd panels every 16.6ms (60 times out of 1000ms per second).

At 60fps, a 120hz monitor only has to change the pixels shown every 16.6ms (8.3ms*2).
At 61 fps - 119fps, a 120hz monitor does some repeated frames on updates. More 8.3ms*2 frames toward the 60fps end, very few repeated the closer to 120fps.

At 120fps+ , a 120hz panel sends new action/environment, animation and FoV data (a new more modern distinct frame) every 8.3ms.

The real response times of lcds (outside of grey2grey quotes) causes blurring of the pixels, plus the non-instant backlight strobing causes image retention blur on any lcd. I suspect that the blurring would be worse when you push 120fps+ to get newer, more accurate action data frames every 8.3ms, and I suspect the blurring would be less when you push 60fps or less since it would be sortof like frame doubling, only changing the actual pixel content every 2hz (8.3ms*2 ~>16.6ms) . I'd like to find out for sure someday.

The consensus is that 120hz lcd's "feel" smoother, and have around 1/2 the blurring on certain types of blur.
Unless you are pushing 120fps+ to the 120hz panel, you aren't gettings the full 8.3ms of "more up to date action" consistently,
and at 60fps or less, not getting any more recent action frames at all.

Currently 120hz lcd's are all TN, which have really poor image quality and colors compared to IPS panels.
When choosing a 120hz TN screen, you are not only losing the IPS quality, but in order to get more than the "feel"
and get more current action every 8.3ms, you have to turn down a lot of graphics eye candy on the most modern, gpu-stressing games to maintain over 120fps with a powerful gpu, and may not be possible at all with a weaker gpu.
Additionally, all 120hz LCDs are 1080p, which means your pixel density will be poor (large pixels - espeically the 27" model)
and your desktop rez low by comparison to a 2560x 60hz IPS.

120hz benefit vs screen tearing when not using vsync?
Another thing brought up is screen tearing, which 120hz theoretically would raise the boundary for as long as you kept your fps below 120fps. However in that case, as stated above, you are not getting new distinct action frames every 8.3ms per 1hz.
The lower your fps, the more frames are doubled across two 8.3ms screen updates. It would still feel smoother but not getting
the most out of 120hz for accuracy and more current action displayed. Its also worth noting that screen tearing is worse on some game engines than others, and alleviated by driver updates in some cases.. so could be considered somewhat a coding issue.

60hz benefit vs microstutter?
On the plus side of 60hz, you should theoretically notice less microstuttering, since the microstutters on most modern games are usually above 60fps when using a powerful gpu or espeicially a dual gpu. The frames update every 16.6ms on 60hz. So basically
you can't see more than 60fps on a 60hz panel because it has 60 updates out of every second (every 10000ms). Since you can't see more than 60fps to start with, any microstutter that goes anywhere from 100 fps to 61 fps (as an extreme)example should be unnoticable as its still above the 60frames you were able to see in the first place per second at 60hz of screen updates per second..Of course whatever fps you shoot for should always be high enough to allow for ordinary scene/action complexity dips and minimums regardless.
   In the case of 120hz you would have more screen updates per second so microstutter could be more noticeable since the ceiling would then be 120fps.   
    *** However, microstuttering is mostly noticeable when you are playing at framerates most people consider too low, for example 30 - 35fps. You would definitely notice a 30 - 35fps drop to 25fps but you might not notice a drop in the much higher ranges so microstuttering complaints might be a little overblown by some people, especially since its more prevalent in single cards with dual gpus that tend to hit higher framerates to begin with.





Screen Size comparisons

(Comparing using a 16:9 image. If it were compared at 16:10, obviously the 16:10 screens swould have at/near 100% screen utilization)

TV calculator .com



Desktop LCD Monitor Comparison (Pixel Table) prismo.com

This table shows the screen resolution, pixel density (pixel pitch in pixels per inch, ppi), size of one square pixel, aspect ratio of the screen, number of pixels (megapixels or MP), and pixel area gain compared to a 1024 by 768 pixel XGA resolution for various display sizes (measured by the viewable diagonal).

Size Resolution Density Pixel Size Ratio Pixels Gain
14.1" 1024 x 768 90.8 ppi 0.2798 mm 4:3 0.75 MP 100%
14" 1366 x 768 111.9 ppi 0.2269 mm ~16:9 1.00 MP 133%
15" 1024 x 768 85.3 ppi 0.2977 mm 4:3 0.75 MP 100%
17" 1280 x 768 87.8 ppi 0.2893 mm 5:3 0.94 MP 125%
17" 1280 x 1024 96.4 ppi 0.2634 mm 5:4 1.25 MP 167%
17" 1440 x 900 99.9 ppi 0.2543 mm 16:10 1.24 MP 165%
18" 1280 x 1024 91.1 ppi 0.2789 mm 5:4 1.25 MP 167%
18.4" 1366 x 768 85.2 ppi 0.2982 mm ~16:9 1.0 MP 133%
19" 1280 x 1024 86.3 ppi 0.2944 mm 5:4 1.25 MP 167%
19" 1440 x 900 89.4 ppi 0.2842 mm 16:10 1.24 MP 165%
19" 1680 x 1050 104.3 ppi 0.2436 mm 16:10 1.68 MP 224%
20" 1400 x 1050 87.5 ppi 0.2903 mm 4:3 1.4 MP 187%
20" 1600 x 900 91.8 ppi 0.2767 mm 16:9 1.37 MP 183%
20" 1680 x 1050 99.1 ppi 0.2564 mm 16:10 1.68 MP 224%
20.1" 1600 x 1200 99.5 ppi 0.2553 mm 4:3 1.83 MP 244%
21" 1680 x 1050 94.3 ppi 0.2692 mm 16:10 1.68 MP 224%
21.3" 1600 x 1200 93.9 ppi 0.2705 mm 4:3 1.83 MP 244%
21.5" 1920 x 1080 102.5 ppi 0.2479 mm 16:9 1.98 MP 264%
22" 1600 x 1024 86.3 ppi 0.2942 mm 25:16 1.56 MP 208%
22" 1680 x 1050 90.1 ppi 0.2821 mm 16:10 1.68 MP 224%
22" 1920 x 1080 100.1 ppi 0.2537 mm 16:9 1.98 MP 264%
22.2" 1920 x 1200 102 ppi 0.2490 mm 16:10 2.2 MP 293%
22.2" 3840 x 2400 204 ppi 0.1245 mm 16:10 8.79 MP 1'172%
23" 1920 x 1080 95.8 ppi 0.2652 mm 16:9 1.98 MP 264%
23" 1920 x 1200 98.4 ppi 0.258 mm 16:10 2.2 MP 293%
24" 1920 x 1080 91.8 ppi 0.2767 mm 16:9 1.98 MP 264%
24" 1920 x 1200 94.3 ppi 0.2692 mm 16:10 2.2 MP 293%
26" 1920 x 1200 87.1 ppi 0.2917 mm 16:10 2.2 MP 293%
27" 1920 x 1080 81.6 ppi 0.3113 mm 16:9 1.98 MP 264%
27" 1920 x 1200 83.9 ppi 0.3029 mm 16:10 2.2 MP 293%
27" 2560 x 1440 108.8 ppi 0.2335 mm 16:9 3.52 MP 469%
30" 2560 x 1600 100.6 ppi 0.2524 mm 16:10 3.91 MP 521%
32" 1024 x 768 40 ppi 0.635 mm 4:3 0.75 MP 100%
40" 1024 x 768 32 ppi 0.7938 mm 4:3 0.75 MP 100%


Desktop LCD Monitor Comparison (Area Table)

The following table shows the active diagonal, screen width, screen height, aspect ratio, viewable screen area and physical area gain compared to a 15-inch 4:3 monitor for various display sizes.

Size Diagonal Width Height Ratio Area Gain
14" 35.56 cm 31.00 cm 17.43 cm ~16:9 540 cm2 77.5%
14.1" 35.81 cm 28.65 cm 21.49 cm 4:3 616 cm2 88.4%
15" 38.1 cm 30.48 cm 22.86 cm 4:3 697 cm2 100%
17" 43.18 cm 37.03 cm 22.22 cm 5:3 823 cm2 118%
17" 43.18 cm 33.72 cm 26.97 cm 5:4 910 cm2 131%
17" 43.18 cm 36.62 cm 22.89 cm 16:10 838 cm2 120%
18" 45.72 cm 35.70 cm 28.56 cm 5:4 1'020 cm2 146%
18.4" 46.74 cm 40.74 cm 22.90 cm ~16:9 933 cm2 134%
19" 48.26 cm 37.68 cm 30.15 cm 5:4 1'136 cm2 163%
19" 48.26 cm 40.92 cm 25.58 cm 16:10 1'047 cm2 150%
20" 50.8 cm 44.28 cm 24.91 cm 16:9 1'103 cm2 158%
20" 50.8 cm 43.08 cm 26.92 cm 16:10 1'160 cm2 166%
20" 50.8 cm 40.64 cm 30.48 cm 4:3 1'239 cm2 178%
20.1" 51.05 cm 40.84 cm 30.63 cm 4:3 1'251 cm2 180%
21" 53.34 cm 45.23 cm 28.27 cm 16:10 1'279 cm2 184%
21.3" 54.1 cm 43.28 cm 32.46 cm 4:3 1'405 cm2 202%
21.5" 54.61 cm 47.60 cm 26.77 cm 16:9 1'274 cm2 183%
22" 55.88 cm 48.70 cm 27.40 cm 16:9 1'334 cm2 192%
22" 55.88 cm 47.39 cm 29.62 cm 16:10 1'403 cm2 201%
22" 55.88 cm 47.07 cm 30.12 cm 25:16 1'418 cm2 203%
22.2" 56.39 cm 47.82 cm 29.89 cm 16:10 1'429 cm2 205%
23" 58.42 cm 50.92 cm 28.64 cm 16:9 1'458 cm2 209%
23" 58.42 cm 49.54 cm 30.96 cm 16:10 1'534 cm2 220%
24" 60.96 cm 53.13 cm 29.89 cm 16:9 1'588 cm2 228%
24" 60.96 cm 51.69 cm 32.31 cm 16:10 1'670 cm2 240%
26" 66.04 cm 56 cm 35 cm 16:10 1'960 cm2 281%
27" 68.58 cm 59.77 cm 33.62 cm 16:9 2'010 cm2 288%
27" 68.58 cm 58.16 cm 36.35 cm 16:10 2'114 cm2 303%
30" 76.2 cm 64.62 cm 40.39 cm 16:10 2'610 cm2 375%
32" 81.28 cm 65.02 cm 48.77 cm 4:3 3'171 cm2 455%
40" 101.6 cm 81.28 cm 60.96 cm 4:3 4'955 cm2 711%